A new market notice within the National Electricity Market (NEM) posted by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), one we have not see before was issued to all market participants on the 23/12/19. The market notice requested and served as a reminder for all semi-scheduled and intermittent non-scheduled generators to ensure they update their market availability bids, update their SCADA Local Limit or, if unavailable, advise AEMO control room to implement a quick constraint to the reduced available capacity level; and update intermittent generation availability in the EMMS Portal to reflect reduced plant availability as is required under the National Electricity Rules (NER), per NER 3.7B(b).limits.
This was an interesting constraint for AEMO to issue as it was due to extreme heatwave conditions across the south east coast of Australia, and as with most generating plant, under extreme heat, some form of derating on its physical capacity and output can occur. On the 23/12/19 AEMO’s weather service provider was forecasting extreme high ambient temperatures across all NEM regions, hence AEMO’s market notice to these participants to remind semi-scheduled and intermittent non-scheduled generators to advise AEMO of any reduction in available capacity caused by temperature derating.
Particularly interesting is that the often “set and forget” approach to renewable generators such as solar and wind generators, as classified by AEMO as semi-scheduled generation is being watched with greater scrutiny, particularly after the events of 2016 in SA where a state wide blackout was triggered by a severe weather, damaging more than 20 towers, downing major transmission lines, and with multiple wind farms currently shouldering some of the blame for the state going black due to the wind farms switching off when the transmission lines went down.
Semi-scheduled: A generating system with intermittent output (like a wind or solar farm), and an aggregate nameplate capacity of 30 MW or more is normally classified as a semi-scheduled generator unless AEMO approves its classification as a scheduled generating unit or a non-scheduled generating unit. AEMO can limit a semi-scheduled generator’s output in response to network constraints, but at other times the generator can supply up to its maximum registered capacity (AEMO 2014).
If you have any questions regarding this article or the electricity market in general, call Edge on 07 3905 9220 or 1800 334 336.