The large electricity retailers have followed up on their previous meeting earlier this month in Canberra, meeting with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in Sydney today. The topic of discussion was in regard to retailers contacting their existing customers who are on high standing electricity rates and informing them of more competitive deals available to them. The retailers agreed to the PM’s request to make contact with their customers on high standard rates and will be writing to over 2 million customers. This is one of the measures taken by the Turnbull government to reduce energy costs for Australian households.
It was noted that the energy retailers stressed to Mr Turnbull the need for energy policy certainty. This relates to whether or not the Turnbull Government will accept the final recommendation from the Finkel Review to implement a Clean Energy Target. On Monday night, Mr Turnbull appeared on the ABC’s 730 Report. When asked if his government would make a decision on the Clean Energy Target before the end of year, Prime Minister Turnbull could not commit but insisted that his government was taking a detailed considered approach to the matter.